ACHPER SA Professional Learning

Looking for ideas to enhance your work?

One of the most popular key roles of ACHPER is to provide a variety of practical professional learning activities targeted at HPE educators, professionals and students. Provision of these opportunities supports the HPE industry by extending new offerings and methods for delivering and executing theoretical and practical components of HPE and facilitates networking among industry professionals. ACHPER SA is proud of our 5 year record of 100% event satisfaction at our professional learning events, offering a diverse range of quality, relevant and supportive opportunities through a number of face to face Conferences, workshops and seminars, as well as online webinars including free member online opportunities. Thanks to all of our amazing presenters and organisations who share their best practice and knowledge. We encourage your attendance at one of our many quality offerings so you gain innovative ideas which will challenge, support, inspire and motivate your important work in the HPE profession - hover over the Professional Learning tab to see what is currently on offer.


ACHPER SA Consultancy Work

ACHPER SA have expanded our consultancy services and we now have many more offerings tailor made for your education site, either Primary or Secondary. Available for individual educators, whole staff and partnership cluster meetings, check out the options that have been extremely well received by many schools and agencies. Funding is often available through local partnership groups to support this work. If your school or cluster is looking for a quality professional learning workshop, contact ACHPER SA to discuss. 

Did you know ACHPER SA has recently completed significant projects for Sport Australia, Squash Australia, Athletics Australia, AFL Max, Little Athletics South Australia, Cirkidz, TreeClimb and are currently involved in a significant project with Netball Australia. These projects allow ACHPER SA to be creative, showcase our creativity and skills and generate essential income for our day to day work. 


ACHPER SA invite your attendance at these popular activities, welcome new presenters and ideas for professional learning, and hope to see you at a session soon. 

For further information, please get in touch.

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